Wednesday, February 25, 2015


It's been a time, that seems endless to me, since I wrote here the last time. I moved from Mainz to Berlin and I somehow needed to rearrange my whole life. It's completely different:
  • I used to cycle everywhere, now I take the subway - but I read on my way
  • I used to take naps several times a day, now I work in an office where I can't do that
  • I used to write this blog in the mornings at home, now I take pen and paper to a cafe and write to write my first book
  • I used to have a busy social life, now I have a busy working schedule
  • I used to have singing lessons three times a week, now I only sing when alone at home
  • I used to teach guitar, now I don't even have one
A lot of things changed. And I'm beginning to understand, that what enabled me to life my "old life" was precious. My bike, my freelance jobs, the projects I was involved in, my friends, my free time activities, my stuff. Yet I was longing for a fresh start. Now I need to build all these things anew. But I have the freedom to choose.

I think this is, what fascinates people about minimalism - the emptiness, the non-determination. What I'm experiencing right now is, that we need determination just as we need freedom. We need the daily grind, we need stuff. But we must not hold on to it.


  1. Nice to hear about all the changes in your life. It is definitely a big step out of your comfort zone and a life-altering experience. I like your last paragraph a lot. Stuff is just stuff, let it enter and leave your life, but be unaffected by it.

  2. Nice to hear from you again! A bit of a shake-up isn't it? The whole change and all that. It's very easy to forget the old ways once one is "under the grind" for a while and fatigue makes everything seems harder. Hope you'll enjoy your new routine!
